Christian = Miracles, Signs, and Wonders

Unlock Your Supernatural Potential: Walk in Miracles, Signs, and Wonders!

Are you ready to unleash the extraordinary power that lies within every Christian believer? Prepare to dive into a thrilling journey where the supernatural becomes your new normal. In this introductory section, we will give the prospective student a peek into the dynamic material included in the main course. We will begin to unravel the hidden truths about our Christian inheritance and touch upon why the Church has kept them under wraps for so long. Unlike much of the information out in the ether today on the supernatural gifts, this is not going to be full of pie-in-the-sky superficial platitudes but down-to-Earth practical realities.

You will see how the main course is for meat eaters who want to fight the good fight and run this race to win a crown. This course is not for the complacent or lukewarm who are content to enter eternity having no spiritual fruit to show for their time on Earth. This course, or more aptly put, life-changing experience involves doing everything possible to move the Christian believer into actually walking in Signs, Wonders and Miracles as Jesus intended. We have a policy of not leaving any sincere believer behind when it comes to operating in the supernatural, our team stands ready to go above and beyond to help every last student enter into their destiny in Christ Jesus.

And considering the Bible is replete with astounding accounts of miracles, signs, and wonders performed by Jesus Christ, His disciples and devout believers, there is no reason a devout believer should tolerate a fruitless walk. From turning water into wine to healing the sick, raising the dead, and even walking on water – these awe-inspiring acts were not just reserved for biblical times (except, possibly, walking on water, maybe).

It's time to dispel any notions that limit our understanding of what it means to be a follower of Christ. The supernatural realm is not an inaccessible dimension meant only for select individuals; it is an integral part of every believer's spiritual DNA. So why have we been deprived of this incredible truth? If we are not operating in the supernatural, can we even be sure we are really Christians?

In the main course, students will learn the fascinating truth about why there has been a veil shrouding the supernatural in Christianity for centuries. While fear or lack of understanding played their part in obscuring these powerful teachings in the past, now is the time for us to break free from limitations and embrace our divine calling. The clock is ticking.

As Christians, we bear a tremendous responsibility on Earth--one that goes beyond attending church services or saying prayers before meals. Our mission is clear: fulfill the Great Commission laid out by Jesus Himself – spreading His love and making disciples throughout all nations. Don't make the mistake of thinking this means you have to leave your family and venture into the wilderness in search of uncontracted indigenous tribes. Today, you are fine where you are at.

Every time you exit your front door, you effectively enter YOUR mission field! To effectively carry out the Great Commission, even in our own backyard, we must tap into our God-given potential as vessels through which miracles manifest themselves. By embracing our supernatural inheritance, we become catalysts for transformation in both ourselves and those around us. We become the Earth-shakers and History makers Jesus intended us to be.

And finally you'll get answers to the tough questions surrounding the prophetic and faith healing. For example, if miracles and miraculous healings are real, why aren't we seeing more people healed in our churches. If Christians can really heal people miraculously, why don't they go into hospitals and empty them out? If God still heals people and He is a good God, why does a drunk get delivered and healed while the 70 year old Sunday School teacher doesn't? And last but not least, how is it that atheists, attempting to discredit faith healing, end up healing people themselves?

Lesson Summary

The power of the supernatural lies dormant in every Christian believer, just waiting to be tapped into. The main course exposes the secrets to unlocking and activating this supernatural potential. You are going to learn how to accomplish things you never thought possible before. By learning to walk in miracles, signs, and wonders, you will fulfill the Great Commission laid out by Jesus Himself – spreading His love and making disciples amongst those in your circle of influence. Through this course, you can expect to learn: - Hidden truths about every Christian's inheritance - Down-to-Earth practical realities to activate supernatural potential - Reasons the supernatural has been kept under wraps - The real purpose of Signs, Wonders and Miracles - What it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ - How to fulfill your divine destiny as an Earth-Shaker and History Maker.

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